What is Acne Boot Camp?
Face Reality Acne Boot Camp specializes in treating moderate to severe, inflamed, non-inflamed and combination acne with a 90% success rate!
It combines the power of clinical-grade home-care products that are customized for your type of acne and skin with a series of bi-weekly facials that facilitate the clearing of your skin.
Through our partnership with you, we also address other factors and habits that could make you break out, providing resources that address your diet, medications, cosmetics, lifestyle habits, and common ingredients in skin care formulations that are known to contribute to creating or worsening acne.
With your ongoing commitment to your at-home regimen and through following the guidance of your esthetician, you will see results in as little as 12 weeks!
Why Face Reality?
Face Reality products contain only the highest-quality, skin nourishing ingredients, resulting in significant benefits beyond just treating acne.
Created by a licensed esthetician with a deep understanding of how acne is formed, the process provides clients with the products, education, and resources to help tackle acne once and for all!
What is the process like?
As your Face Reality Certified Acne Specialist, I will establish a home care routine based on your skin and acne type. As a certified acne expert, I will make necessary adjustments throughout the treatment process to ensure ongoing results.
Additionally, I will customize each treatment appointment based on the condition of your skin at the time. Sometimes your skin will need hydration, and other times you’ll need corrective peels to facilitate the clearing of dark spots. We may also perform extractions to speed up the clearing process as needed.
Before & After
What You Must Do
Your custom home care regimen twice daily
Treatments and/or assessment from your esthetician every two weeks
Home Care Adjustments – consistent adjustments to boost your home care regimen
Lifestyle Adjustments - foods, medications, cosmetics, stress, and pore-clogging ingredients in skin and hair products
Your progress will be closely monitored by a Face Reality Certified Acne Specialist who will make sure you have the best regimen for your skin - making adjustments, if necessary, to get your skin healthy and clear in the fastest way possible.
Have more questions?
For any additional questions regarding acne boot camp, please fill out the form below and we will reach back out to you as soon as possible.